Category: books
Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom is an interesting book, one that is mentioned in Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris, the title and description piqued my interest so I gave it a read. Summary of Superintelligence The books describes how we as humans are rulers of the world, top of the food chain not because we…
Show Your Work
Summary of Show Your Work Show Your Work is a great little book, pretty short you can easily get through it in a couple of hours. It’s about Showing Your Work and how it doesn’t matter what other people think if you are enjoying it go for it. It speaks about how becoming good or…
Tools of Titans Most Gifted Books
I just finished reading Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris for some reason I thought the book was a brand new release, not sure where I got that idea when I found out it was published in 2016. The book is a collection of interviews of people that have featured on the Tim Ferris Show.…
Anything You Want
Summary of Anything You Want Derek Sivers a musician disrupts the music industry and creates CD Baby after being turned away from music distributors as “only record labels are allowed to deal with us, we don’t work directly with the artists”. Sivers creates CD Baby to sell his music. Anything You Want describes 40 lessons…
Atomic Habits
Summary of Atomic Habits Atomic Habits by James Clear is one of those books you see recommended by everyone and after reading I can see why. I started reading the book in November last year but, most of my reading stopped in December and have only gotten around to finishing it off now. The books…
The Happiness Advantage
Summary of The Happiness Advantage The Happiness Advantage a book that I have seen mentioned all over the net, I decided to take the plunge and give it a listen on Audible. The author Shawn Achor preaches positive psychology and is one of TEDx most popular speakers, finding success through happiness and that happiness is…
How to Win Friends and Influence People
How to Win Friends and Influence People my second review comes a decision to format each book review article in the same way. This should provide commonality across them as they grow in number and provide me with a clear format on what I should be including a set amount of information. So each review…
5 am Club
5 am Club a book by Robin S. Sharma speaks about the benefits of waking up at 5 am every day before the rest of the world rises. The self-help book takes the form of a story where 2 people meet a homeless man at a conference in New York, the homeless man turns out…